
Pandangan perusahaan & tujuan organisasi

Delivering IFBEC NTB as a top Leading Professional Association in Indonesia


Arah sekaligus batasan tindakan untuk pencapaian misi organisasi

  • Sustainably improving the quality of Food & Beverage human resources
  • Code of Ethics and Professionalism Enforcement
  • Creating IFBEC NTB as a partner in success in escalating competency of each member by working together with government and relevant agency
  • Socializing & implementing Micro teaching program to all committees & Members
  • United all components of the Food & Beverage Association’s Profession to be agreed and committed to build associations to reach the GOAL.
  • Accommodating all Food & Beverage profession to be able to compete with other professions
  • Actively building a great communication and coordination with others Food & Beverage Association in the world